Vibrant Violets
Do any of you have violets (viola) in your yard? They were abundant in my yard, when I lived in Ohio. Some would even have called them weeds because they sprang up everywhere. As many of you know, the difference between a weed and a flower is in the eye of the...
Venetian Rose
How closely do you look at the blocks when you pick a quilt? Most of us look at the overall design first, then look at the details. The details include the colors, the technique, and maybe the block construction. For quick quilts, we gravitate toward large, simple or...Take a Break
Many of my designs have a traditional feel. I decided to take a break and try something new. I don’t usually dabble with quilts that have a more modern feel. But to grow, one has to experiment. When I saw Hoffman’s Cookies and Cream (Hoffman Fabrics Fall...
Sun King
Lately, my designs have a distinctive circular trend – compasses, wheels, suns, Dresdens, New York beauties, fans, and similar motifs. Sun King is one of those creations. So what is the difference in these patterns? Very good question. The simplest of the...
Kaleidoscope Meadow
Have you ever played with a kaleidoscope. It generally looks like a hand-held telescope. When you hold it up to the light, you don’t see a clear image like with a telescope, but a refracted image. Some refract an image outside. Others have marbles or other...
Little Boy Blue
“Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn, The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn. Where is that boy who looks after the sheep? He’s under a haystack, fast asleep. Will you wake him? Oh no, not I, For if I do, he’ll surely...
Forest Framed
As a young girl, I read the entire Anne series by L.M. Montgomery. Anne’s spunk and imagination were something I always admired. Thankfully, I didn’t get into quite as much trouble as Anne did – not that my active imagination didn’t give me...
Ice Flowers
Several years ago, when I visited my Aunt in Southern California, I noticed these amazing little flowers growing all along the roadside. I asked her what they were. She replied they were really a weed that was invading the area. Apparently, they had been planted years...