Chilly Corner

Chilly Corner

When fall arrives, leaves fall and reveal woodland creatures. We love to watch these creatures from the warmth of our homes. We bundle in plaid to stay warm, while the snow falls. These are the images brought to my mind when I first saw Dear Stella’s License to...
Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Fall is one of my favorite times of year.  I know strange to talk about fall in spring. Spring is when trees and flowers burst into color. Green, pink, yellow, purple, and blue abound. In fall, these colors are inverse as the leaves change and other flowers bloom....
Panda Paws

Panda Paws

Did you know that April 16, 2022 is the 50th anniversary of giant pandas at the Washington Smithsonian Zoo? If you haven’t visited the zoo to see the pandas, it is a must see on your next trip to Washington, D.C. We are fortunate to live so close to the zoo. We...
Framed in Ferns

Framed in Ferns

Shade gardens are so soothing. The variety of greens and textures of the leaves are so interesting. Hostas have such large and lush leaves with white, yellow and green. Heuchera are intriguing with their red and green leaves with foamy flowers. Hellebore are the first...
Ice Cream Stand

Ice Cream Stand

No matter when you live, ice cream stands have a special place in our memories. Growing up in the Adirondacks, it was never particularly warm in the summer, but we still enjoyed the local ice cream stand in summer. Anyone who lives in the country knows that local can...