Accentuate the Positive

Accentuate the Positive

My style seems to be medallion style quilts. However, not all of those quilts are obvious as medallions. Accentuate the positive is a more modern version of a medallion quilt, which incorporates an Uneven X Block and Kings Crown. The pattern uses Windham’s...
Bountiful Harvest

Bountiful Harvest

Most gardeners have just started planting for this year’s harvest. Many of them are already dreaming about the bounty they will gather from their efforts. I am one of those. Each year, I pick seeds and plants depending upon my cravings during the winter. I make...
Summer Squared

Summer Squared

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for spring. Around here, spring quickly jumps to summer, which means hot, hazy and lazy. Given my fair complexion, I am not normally a beach bunny. So, if you ask what my idea of a perfect beach day is, my response will...
Rohan Rouge

Rohan Rouge

February brings two thoughts to mind, Valentine’s Day and snow. Both make me wish for flowers.  My sweetheart of a hubby always gives me beautiful flowers, which I set in my studio. They help me to smile all day long. On the other hand, snow makes me long for...


Warning: I brake for turtles! Honestly, I do. I stop to save box turtles and other critters from the road. The thought of one of those little creatures getting hit by a car leaves a pit in my stomach, Yes, I am a softy, but I draw the line at snapping turtles. They...