Bountiful Harvest

Bountiful Harvest

Most gardeners have just started planting for this year’s harvest. Many of them are already dreaming about the bounty they will gather from their efforts. I am one of those. Each year, I pick seeds and plants depending upon my cravings during the winter. I make...
Indian Corn Craze

Indian Corn Craze

My youngest son loves puns and this one of those occasions when it is perfect for this quilt. There are several corny puns. One of my favorite is… “In the corn maze, I felt like I was being stalked. It was earie.” Why does this one come to mind? Corn...

Harvest Gathering

Growing up in Upstate New York, I was raised with the Iroquois’ Three Sisters. Do you know about the Three Sisters? What are the three sisters are three crops traditionally planted together because they support each other in so many ways. Who are the three...
Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Fall is one of my favorite times of year.  I know strange to talk about fall in spring. Spring is when trees and flowers burst into color. Green, pink, yellow, purple, and blue abound. In fall, these colors are inverse as the leaves change and other flowers bloom....
Noble Leaves – Working Backward

Noble Leaves – Working Backward

It is a week into Spring, and I am posting new patterns for Fall. You are probably thinking I am in the wrong hemisphere! Believe it or not, I am right on schedule for quilt time.  I probably should explain, which means working backward. Yup, quilt shops, designers,...