Honey Bee Happy
I can’t wait until the Dear Stella’s “Meant to Bee” collection is released so I can make this as designed! When we design for fabric lines, we have images of the fabric to make the design. Then, we test it with something similar…. but it...
Halloween Sly Fox
I live in a rural area, where fox sightings are routine. Most of the time, you get a fleeting glance as they race across the road or dive into the underbrush. They are so illusive – a streak of red. Maybe this is why myths and legends about foxes are scary....
Cats and Mice
The second block of the Kitty in the Middle Quilt is Cats and Mice. It was originally published in 1897 by Ladies Art Company for two fabric colors. We changed the color scheme to add two more colors, which really changes the look. The block is comprised of squares,...
My Design Board Saved the Day!
by lsmith | Feb 19, 2021 | Designs, Quilting Tips
I was sewing the first block of my Kitty in the Middle Quilt – Puss in the Corner. There are several versions of this block most of which are based upon a nine patch. I am not sure if the name of puss or kitty relates to a cat’s nine lives, but it seems to...