Old Man of the Forest
by lsmith | Sep 9, 2021 | Applique Quilting, Shop
I come from a long line of nature-lovers and half of my ancestors hail from Ireland. So it is no wonder that the Celtic version of the Green Man has interested me. He has been popular in art for millennia across the globe. He adorns churches, gravestones, and homes....
Play Date
Do you remember simple toys and times when you were a kid? The times when punishment was being sent to your room? You had to come inside by dusk. You and your friends took hikes in the nearby woods or park and built forts from fallen limbs. A bike ride around the...
Dashing Americana
by lsmith | Jun 30, 2021 | Quilting Tips, Shop
A few weeks ago, I joined a group of talented quilters to reimagine a traditional quilting block – Churn Dash. It is an uneven nine patch block with half square triangles (HST) in the corners. It was absolutely wonderful to see how each designer took a fresh...