Play Date

Play Date

Do you remember simple toys  and times when you were a kid? The times when punishment was being sent to your room? You had to come inside by dusk. You and your friends took hikes in the nearby woods or park and built forts from fallen limbs. A bike ride around the...
Star Gazing

Star Gazing

Star Gazing – Copyright Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts 2021 Do you look up into the night sky and gaze at the constellations? Can you find Orion, the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper? Have you see the morning star also known as Venus? I like learning about the...
Maple Prism

Maple Prism

Do you remember playing with kaleidoscopes when you were a kid? They could take an image and distort it into a totally different but very cool image? Well, the design software EQ8 has a feature called “Serendipity” that acts a bit like a kaleidoscope. I...
Spring Fling

Spring Fling

Spring Fling The Cherry Blossom festival in Washington DC marks the beginning of spring here. It starts the first weekend in spring and lasts a few weeks. During that time, the skyline is filled with pink and white buds, while the streets are filled with people (maybe...
Charming Crocus

Charming Crocus

8-Chain Block Each month EQ8 initiates a Block Spotlight. For March, it was a very simple block, the 8-Grid Chain. This is a block that you may have used on an Irish Chain quilt or as a good connector block on a quilt. I wanted to do something to jazz it up a little....
Cats and Mice

Cats and Mice

The second block of the Kitty in the Middle Quilt is Cats and Mice. It was originally published in 1897 by Ladies Art Company for two fabric colors. We changed the color scheme to add two more colors, which really changes the look. The block is comprised of squares,...