Sunny Side Up
by lsmith | Apr 19, 2022 | Quilting Tips, Shop
A positive attitude is a choice. Everyone, in the frame of their own lives, experiences challenges, disappointments, and rewards. It is your perspective and what you do with those life lessons that really matters. We are each shaped by those events. But more...
Indian Corn Craze
My youngest son loves puns and this one of those occasions when it is perfect for this quilt. There are several corny puns. One of my favorite is… “In the corn maze, I felt like I was being stalked. It was earie.” Why does this one come to mind? Corn...
Mass Migration
Each fall we see hundreds of birds, particularly geese, fly south for the winter. In our neighborhood, we see many geese, some of whom are already back this spring and getting ready to nest. I always mark when I see the first robin of spring. My neighbor counts on the...