Fairy’s Waltz

Fairy’s Waltz

How many of you remember the Strawberry Shortcake characters?  The adorable lead character was created for greeting cards and eventually became a franchise with ornaments, toys, television specials, coloring books, and so much more. What captivated me about the...


CuFe, what an odd name for a pattern. Is it from another language? If so, what does it mean? CuFe does come from another language that my geeky friends may recognize. It comes from the language of chemistry. Cu is for Copper and Fe is for Iron. Ok – why pick...
Sun King

Sun King

Lately, my designs have a distinctive circular trend – compasses, wheels, suns, Dresdens, New York beauties, fans, and similar motifs. Sun King is one of those creations. So what is the difference in these patterns?  Very good question. The simplest of the...
Never Forget

Never Forget

My mother always said that she remembered everything about the moment she heard the news the JFK was shot. Similarly, most of us, who are old enough, probably remember where we were on 9/11/2001. Personally, I received the news about the twin towers after I walked...
Flora and Fauna

Flora and Fauna

Throughout my life, I have spend time traipsing through the woods, admiring the beauty of nature. Recently, my son and I discovered a lovely, nearby trail called Cathedral. On the trail, tall trees arched over the mulch and moss covered trail. It was in the middle of...