Autism Awareness Month

Autism Awareness Month

Do you know how many kids in the US are diagnosed with Autism? According to the CDC, approximately one in every thirty-six kids has autism. That means there is a strong chance that you have met, are friends with or related to someone with autism. Did you also know...
Indian Corn Craze

Indian Corn Craze

My youngest son loves puns and this one of those occasions when it is perfect for this quilt. There are several corny puns. One of my favorite is… “In the corn maze, I felt like I was being stalked. It was earie.” Why does this one come to mind? Corn...
Chilly Corner

Chilly Corner

When fall arrives, leaves fall and reveal woodland creatures. We love to watch these creatures from the warmth of our homes. We bundle in plaid to stay warm, while the snow falls. These are the images brought to my mind when I first saw Dear Stella’s License to...
Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Fall is one of my favorite times of year.  I know strange to talk about fall in spring. Spring is when trees and flowers burst into color. Green, pink, yellow, purple, and blue abound. In fall, these colors are inverse as the leaves change and other flowers bloom....
Creature Craft

Creature Craft

As with most young people, my sons love their video games. In their 20’s, they still play Minecraft, which apparently is quite normal. It is like digital Legos and who doesn’t like to play with Legos? The staying power of a well-crafted game, like...