A Leap for Quilting!

A Leap for Quilting!

Today, I am going to share something very personal with you. I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful quilters. And I don’t just mean their quilting projects. I mean as people. They have shared stories of their personal fight with any number of terrible...
Tip Tuesday – Make Copies

Tip Tuesday – Make Copies

As a designer, I don’t want people making copies of my patterns and giving them to someone else. That takes income away from me. But I do want you to make copies of my patterns for your use. This is particularly important when the pattern has attachments like...
Motivating Monday – Pine Cone

Motivating Monday – Pine Cone

My sister and I visited Mount Vernon a few years ago. That is when I discovered that George Washington was quite the horticulturist! He had plants imported from around the world for his grand estate. Looking back, he may have imported some invasive species, but...
Perfect is the Enemy of Done

Perfect is the Enemy of Done

Do you suffer from procrastination? I certainly do. I often excuse it by saying I work better under pressure. But if truth be told, it is usually because I am mulling over a myriad of options on how to do something. I suffer from analysis paralysis! What exactly do I...
Motivating Monday – Pasta Prep

Motivating Monday – Pasta Prep

In college, our dorms were located near Little Italy in Cleveland. You couldn’t beat the Italian food. Of course, as a poor college student, I lived on pasta. Most of all, I remember pulling all-nighters… The reward, other than convincing yourself you...