Fall Whimsy

Fall Whimsy

Fall is one of my favorite seasons. For some fall lovers, it is football, going back to school, apple picking, and pumpkin patches. For me, it is about foliage and flowers. Fall brings jewel-toned chrysanthemums, purple and white asters, goldenrod, and gradations of...
Penchant for Peacocks

Penchant for Peacocks

Apparently, I have a penchant for peacocks. There is something about their majestic, jewel tones that makes them spectacular to watch. At almost every zoo I have ever visited, I was greeted at some point by a beautifully, plumed male peacock. If I was lucky, he would...
Strawberry Fields Forever

Strawberry Fields Forever

I love strawberries! As kids, my mom would take us with her to a local farm and we would pick (and eat) strawberries for hours. The farmer would joke that he should weigh us before and after, then charge the difference for the strawberries! Of course, we were so...
Oxypetalum or Southern Star

Oxypetalum or Southern Star

I am an avid, but laissez-faire gardener. “If it lives – yeah! If it dies, it wasn’t meant to be.” My garden is full of plants with a wide variety of foliage and flowers. Some plants thrive, like penstemon red husker. I pull it out liberally,...
Madras Madness

Madras Madness

Being of Irish heritage, plaid was an integral part of our family growing up. I can’t remember seeing my grandfather without plaid. Sometimes, he would even wear two plaids at once. That made most of the fashion-conscious women of the family cringe. He would...
Play Date

Play Date

Do you remember simple toys  and times when you were a kid? The times when punishment was being sent to your room? You had to come inside by dusk. You and your friends took hikes in the nearby woods or park and built forts from fallen limbs. A bike ride around the...