History of Pieced Quilts
by lsmith | Oct 28, 2020 | Quilting Tips
Old-Fashioned Love Recently, we reviewed the history of whole cloth quilts and appliqued quilts. What about pieced quilts? Pieced quilting has also been around for a very long time – possibly since the Middle Ages. The earliest verified forms of pieced quilting...
Bobbin Away
by lsmith | Oct 27, 2020 | Quilting Tips
Dear Stella’s Sew On and Sew Forth fabric collection is due to ship in December. Bobbin Away was designed to highlight the beautiful fabrics in this collection. Moonscape fabrics were added as blenders. The simple repeating design is scaled for three sized...
Fabrics Galore!
Friday was so exciting because I received a HUGE shipment of fabrics. Well, for me it was a huge shipment of fabrics. We now have dozens of Hoffman fabrics available in the store. So I spent the weekend getting them into the shop. The fabrics are primarily...
Tree of Life
by lsmith | Oct 21, 2020 | Quilting Tips
The Tree of Life quilt pattern is now in stock in the shop! This pattern frames the beautiful Dear Stella Tree of Life panel, using bright borders to match its cheery center. This quilt is ideal for beginners who want a lovely throw or large wall hanging to practice...