Bling Tree – Day 1
by lsmith | Dec 1, 2023 | Quilting Tips
On Day 1 of the Bling Tree, I started with a small button. On top of the button, I added a small metal bead. Then, I wrapped one strand of 12 wt pink thread (doubled) around the button. To wrap the button, I made a small knot and bring the thread up through the...
Bling Tree – Preparation
Do you want to spend a little time honing your stitching skills during the holidays without feeling guilty? The Bling Tree Stitch Along is a great little project to learn how to embellish a little project for Christmas. Each day, you create a new ornament for your...
Bountiful Harvest
Most gardeners have just started planting for this year’s harvest. Many of them are already dreaming about the bounty they will gather from their efforts. I am one of those. Each year, I pick seeds and plants depending upon my cravings during the winter. I make...
Kitty In the MIddle
by lsmith | Oct 15, 2020 | Quilting Tips
This is my latest pattern release – Kitty in the Middle! The pattern is designed with Dear Stella’s Les Chat Noir fabrics. The fabric is scheduled to be released in November. Kitty in the Middle is a wonderful Block a Month or Quilt Along pattern. It has...