By the Seashore

By the Seashore

There is something soothing about the sea. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is rhythmic, occasionally broken by the sound of birds. Sand and pebble beaches collect the spoils of the sea – driftwood, shells, sea glass, and other treasures. I know...
Rohan Rouge

Rohan Rouge

February brings two thoughts to mind, Valentine’s Day and snow. Both make me wish for flowers.  My sweetheart of a hubby always gives me beautiful flowers, which I set in my studio. They help me to smile all day long. On the other hand, snow makes me long for...


Warning: I brake for turtles! Honestly, I do. I stop to save box turtles and other critters from the road. The thought of one of those little creatures getting hit by a car leaves a pit in my stomach, Yes, I am a softy, but I draw the line at snapping turtles. They...
Framed in Ferns

Framed in Ferns

Shade gardens are so soothing. The variety of greens and textures of the leaves are so interesting. Hostas have such large and lush leaves with white, yellow and green. Heuchera are intriguing with their red and green leaves with foamy flowers. Hellebore are the first...
Ice Cream Stand

Ice Cream Stand

No matter when you live, ice cream stands have a special place in our memories. Growing up in the Adirondacks, it was never particularly warm in the summer, but we still enjoyed the local ice cream stand in summer. Anyone who lives in the country knows that local can...


With snow on the ground here in Virginia, it is difficult to think about Earth Day and spring being right around the corner. But it is.  Yesterday, I saw a seemingly misguided robin. They usually arrive as the harbinger of spring. This poor guy may have had a compass...