Quilt Block Mania is underway again! And this time we are drinking. Yes, this month’s theme is drinking!
Each of our talented quilters has created a block for their favorite beverage. Of course, not everyone got their favorite as we tried not to duplicate ideas….I know there are way more beverages than quilters. We just hope you enjoy what we have dreamed up for you.
Champagne Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Martini by Crafty Staci
You Shake Me Up
Scrappy Mug by Katie Mae Quilts
Pina Colada by Appliques Quilts and More
Cosmopolitan by Inquiring Quilter
Cups and Saucers
Bubble Tea by Inflorescence Designs
Beer Pong by Patti’s Patchwork
Perfect Flying Geese
Bear Loves Cocoa by Colette Belt Designs
Coffee Bean by Sewistry
Sip & Stitch by Happy Hour Stitches
I’m a LIttle Teapot
Bit too Much by Epida Studio
Tupperware Pitcher by Cristy Fincher
Ice Cubes by Create with Claudia
Cherry by Slightly Biased Quilts
Tea for Me by Craftapalooza Designs
French Press by Oh Kaye Quilting
Sew Fresh FPP Block by San Diego Sewn
Cheerwine by Emerald Falls Quilts
Release the Kraken by Art Quilts by Design
But First Coffee by Paleofish Designs
Margarita by Sallys Sewing Circle
Iced Lemonade by Patchwork Breeze
I have three beverages of choice: tea, water, and wine. Ok – occasionally, I will have a good beer. I decided the one that would be the most fun was a teapot.
Then, an earworm crawled into my head. Come on – you can sing it with me.
I’m a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
(one hand on hip)
Here is my spout
(other arm out straight)When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
“Tip me over
and pour me out!”

I couldn’t resist. I plan to use fusible applique and some embroidery for this sweet block! Remember it is only free this month. You can sign-up for our newsletter to receive it.
If you have already subscribed, you will be getting it in our newsletter.
I really hope you will visit the other designers to see what they have made just for you.
Happy Quilting!

If you are just finding us, you can purchase the block! Sign up to receive this month’s block and all the future ones for free.
this is so sweet. thanks for sharing the pattern.
You are welcome!!
very cute
Thank you!!
Well, if everyone else has gotten the teapot pattern my newsletter must be lost somewhere. I went back and checked, but the 4 e-mails I got in March are only telling about the quilt bundle. There is no mention of the block. Can you please send me the block pattern. It is a wonderful block.
Thank you,
I will definitely make sure you get it. Sometimes email servers weed us out. Sorry about that!
I didn’t get your newsletter. I checked and I’m signed up. Guess I’ll see if I get one in April.
I just sent you a version via email. Please let me know if it doesn’t arrive.