Thanks to the selfless service of our men and women we have the freedom to express ourselves and make our voices heard, to pursue the careers of our choice, to practice our religions or not, to get the medical care and education we choose, and to spend time with our families. Many made the ultimate sacrifice to protect these freedoms. My father, my uncles, my cousins, and many of my friends have provided this selfless service. For that, I thank them with my whole heart, not just on Veteran’s Day, but everyday.
To honor their service, I designed the quilt “Selfless Service.” The large center block representing their patriotism and service is “Design for Patriotism,” Kansas City Star, Aug 20, 1952. The two upper corners for the Air Force are “The Air Plane,” Kansas City Star, Jul 28, 1934. The two lower corners for the Navy, Marines and Coast Guard are “Anchors Aweigh,” Alice Brooks, Washington Post, Oct 29, 1942. “Army Star,” Kansas City Star, May 26, 1943, occupies the middle block of each edge. So that we never forget their service and sacrifice, the remaining eight blocks on the edge are “Memory Wreath,” Hall, 1935.
Quilt with Love and Honor