As many of my followers know, the Forget Me Not Quilt Along starts in July. Of course, to ensure you have the tools you need, we are preparing pictures and a few simple videos to minimize the stress of your quilting. These will be available through Facebook and on our website. This is supposed to be fun – you know! We are even gathering prizes for people who participate thanks to our Sponsors: Quilt2End ALZ, Stitchin’ Heaven, Hoffman Fabrics of California, and Hobbs Batting.
The Forget Me Not QAL was designed to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s Disease. Most of us know at least one person who has been touched by this disease. My father-in-law and my paternal grandmother both had Alzheimer’s. It is a terrible disease that ravages memory, brain function and eventually other bodily functions. This QAL is different, because we have some Alzheimer’s experts – Quilt2End ALZ – that will be interjecting Alzheimer’s information you can use throughout the QAL. This will help patients, caregivers and family members. In addition, we are raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Association of America.
Forget Me Not has more complicated and vivid blocks in the center. The ones closer to the border are more simplistic and faded. It represents the fading memories and ability to think of someone suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease.
Would you like to see the progress I have made on my quilt? It is helping to tweak the pattern and instructions. Here it is stuck to the design wall my son helped to build for me. Thankfully it is mobile – I can move it away from my sewing area so you can see everything. All of the blocks for the quilt center are complete, but not sewn together yet. That is tomorrow’s task. Then, I will be sewing together the forget me not blocks that will make up the pieced border. The best is last – quilting! This has lots of opportunities for decorative stitching. Does any one have suggestions for me?

Time to get back to the sewing machine, so I can finish this 🙂
Happy Quilting