Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale

There are many femme fatale in history, like Mata Hari, Lucrezia Borgia, Salome, Delilah…. They all have these things in common – beauty and a seductive power that men can’t resist, which usually leads to their destruction. Mata Hari was a spy in...
Age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius

Time for a little geekiness about astrology, mythology, anthropology, and music. How can all of these be tied together? Through Aquarius, of course. It is amazing what you can learn when you play with an encyclopedia. Most people are probably familiar with Aquarius...
Ladies Tea

Ladies Tea

Has anyone guessed what my favorite hot beverage is? That’s right – TEA!!! In particular, I like black tea with a hint of sugar in it. It’s occasionally acceptable additional flavors added to it – like almond, vanilla, mint, or cinnamon. I...
Star Struck

Star Struck

We are fortunate to live where the glare of city lights does not obscure our view of the stars at night too much. So when there is a cloudless night, I take advantage of the view and marvel at the sky above me, while waiting in the backyard for my dogs to finish their...


CuFe, what an odd name for a pattern. Is it from another language? If so, what does it mean? CuFe does come from another language that my geeky friends may recognize. It comes from the language of chemistry. Cu is for Copper and Fe is for Iron. Ok – why pick...
Victory at Sea

Victory at Sea

I really enjoy the sea, whether sailing on it or watching it from shore. The sea is temperamental, which gives it personality. I have been on it during storms and calm, but prefer it somewhere in between. It may be a romantic notion to think of the sea to have a...