Desert Dove

Desert Dove

Dream catchers and saguaro cactus are associated with both the American Southwest and desert doves. What are desert doves and how are they related to dream catchers and cacti? Four species of doves inhabit the Sonoran Desert: White-winged Dove, Mourning Dove, Common...
Bountiful Harvest

Bountiful Harvest

Most gardeners have just started planting for this year’s harvest. Many of them are already dreaming about the bounty they will gather from their efforts. I am one of those. Each year, I pick seeds and plants depending upon my cravings during the winter. I make...
Lattice of Avalon

Lattice of Avalon

Here is a pop quiz for my readers who also love the Arthurian legend. Where was King Arthur’s castle? What was the name of King Arthur’s sword? How did King Arthur get that sword? Where was that sword made? Who reigned over the place where the sword was...
All Squared Away

All Squared Away

Do you ever wonder about the origins of some of the phrases we use in the English language? My youngest son and I dove into that rabbit hole the other day when I said, “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” He responded that he understood the...
Sunny Side Up

Sunny Side Up

A positive attitude is a choice. Everyone, in the frame of their own lives, experiences challenges, disappointments, and rewards. It is your perspective and what you do with those life lessons that really matters. We are each shaped by those events. But more...
Indian Corn Craze

Indian Corn Craze

My youngest son loves puns and this one of those occasions when it is perfect for this quilt. There are several corny puns. One of my favorite is… “In the corn maze, I felt like I was being stalked. It was earie.” Why does this one come to mind? Corn...