Quilters Unlimited 2023 Quilt Exhibit

Quilters Unlimited 2023 Quilt Exhibit

I am always excited to see the work of other quilters. It is fun to see what colors, designs, and techniques interest them. With some, I stop to wonder what has inspired them. This week, my guild, Quilters Unlimited, is sharing their quilt exhibition online. The...

Threading the Needle

The only debate that could be greater than cotton vs polyester thread in the quilting world is probably to pre-wash or not to pre-wash fabrics. I am not going to jump into either debate here. But I do want to share some information about how to pick the right thread...
Making Space

Making Space

Some of us are lucky and have dedicated space for our quilting. Others need to share their space with others. Those dedicated or shared spaces may be large or small. Regardless, of the size or type of space, it needs to be functional! It needs to have as much...

Making Time

As much as the holidays are a time of joy, they can also be stressful. This is especially true when we are separated from ones we love. During times of stress, self-care is important, which includes starting or maintaining healthy habits. Believe it or not, quilting...
Quilting Basics

Quilting Basics

Preparation, Celebration and Gifts December is synonymous with preparation and celebration. Those celebrations may culminate in Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the New Year. Regardless of your culture or beliefs, it is a time when we deal with a change in significant...
Quilting for Your Health

Quilting for Your Health

Ever since I was little, I have needed to craft – not just wanted but needed it. No matter what else was going on in my life, creating helped me feel good. That “crafting high” is what I needed. Many of us joke about being addicted to fabric or...