Motivating Monday – Bougainvillea

Motivating Monday – Bougainvillea

Some images really stand out because of one color block. This image from Santorini contains various shades of blue-grey or blue-green. These range from really light – like on the building stucco to really dark, under the shadows. But they all sit somewhere in...
Motivating Monday – Rigging

Motivating Monday – Rigging

Picking fabrics for my own quilts are easy. But finding fabrics for my sons… not so easy. I gather the fabric swatches together and they wrinkle their noses. So, I go back and try again. Similar results… Anyone else have this problem? It took me a while to...
Motivating Monday – Out of Oia

Motivating Monday – Out of Oia

Some places are just unforgettable, like Oia on the island of Santorini. The stucco buildings perched on the steep slopes. The only transportation through the “streets” is by foot. They are really just sidewalks and stairways. It was simply magical. I...
A Happy Accident

A Happy Accident

Happy accidents are mistakes with a silver lining. A year ago, I had one of those happy accidents. Have you ever taken one of those quizzes online to find out who your spirit animal is or what character from a show you are most like? I decided to make one of those...