Kaleidoscope Meadow

Kaleidoscope Meadow

Have you ever played with a kaleidoscope. It generally looks like a hand-held telescope. When you hold it up to the light, you don’t see a clear image like with a telescope, but a refracted image. Some refract an image outside. Others have marbles or other...
Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue

“Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn, The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn. Where is that boy who looks after the sheep? He’s under a haystack, fast asleep. Will you wake him? Oh no, not I, For if I do, he’ll surely...
Forest Framed

Forest Framed

As a young girl, I read the entire Anne series by L.M. Montgomery. Anne’s spunk and imagination were something I always admired. Thankfully, I didn’t get into quite as much trouble as Anne did – not that my active imagination didn’t give me...
Briar Rose

Briar Rose

Outside my window,  I have a lovely bramble of red roses and honeysuckle, which the birds love. Sparrows, finches, robins, and mockingbirds are the most frequent and loudest visitors. The hummingbirds are much more stealthy. I enjoy cracking the window to here them...
Old Man of the Forest

Old Man of the Forest

I come from a long line of nature-lovers and half of my ancestors hail from Ireland. So it is no wonder that the Celtic version of the Green Man has interested me. He has been popular in art for millennia across the globe. He adorns churches, gravestones, and homes....
Flora and Fauna

Flora and Fauna

Throughout my life, I have spend time traipsing through the woods, admiring the beauty of nature. Recently, my son and I discovered a lovely, nearby trail called Cathedral. On the trail, tall trees arched over the mulch and moss covered trail. It was in the middle of...