This is dedicated to those of you who have struggled with illness or other disruptive life events like changes in job status or family issues.

When I was diagnosed with cancer five months ago, many very special people told me to give myself some grace during that time. I said thank you and carried on. It’s what I do. I asked for a little help, but not too much. I didn’t want to be a burden on others. It’s probably what you do too – right?

Along the way, I dropped a few balls. I missed a few deadlines. I did a little less, but still tried to keep up. Tried to keep delivering. As a small business owner, professional, mother, wife, sister, caregiver, it’s what we do – right? We try to keep going without anyone noticing.

I started feeling guilty. I wasn’t keeping up. My testers and editors were finding more issues. A few complaints showed up in my mailbox. I dealt with them swiftly and with many apologies. I was starting to get down. You have been there, I am sure. You start letting things get to you more than usual. And you deserve it right. You should have done things differently. You are kicking yourself.

Then, I remembered what others had said in the beginning. Give yourself some grace. What exactly does that mean?

I decided to look it up. Goodness knows there are enough answers on the internet. I found a wonderful article, which I will paraphrase here.

  1. No one is perfect. Pick happiness over perfection.
  2. Try to laugh instead of cry. Laughter is wonderful medicine.
  3. Set boundaries. Get better at saying NO and meaning it.
  4. Forgive yourself. You are probably your strongest critic.
  5. Change your mindset. Try finding silver linings instead of falling skies.
  6. Practice gratitude. Count your blessings.
  7. Be kind to yourself. Do something nice for you. You deserve it.
  8. Stop comparing yourself to others. The internet only shows you the extremes – people’s perfect moments or worst disasters, not their everyday lives.
  9. Celebrate the little things. Count the small VICTORIES. They add up.
  10. Let go. Put your negative feelings in a bubble and let them float away. It is a good mental exercise.

Why am I sharing this?? I know I am not alone in my struggles – cancer survivor or not. Small business owner or not. Wife, mother, daughter, sister… whatever label we use. We all struggle. We all need a little grace.

So today, I am going to practice a little gratitude. I am thankful for all of you who have been patient with me and shown me kindness, especially this year. You are wonderful and have really made a difference.

I am also going to celebrate a small victory. Today, I rang the bell.

Some of you know what this means. For those of you who don’t, it means my treatment is over. I have beat cancer.

It still means I have some preventative medicine to take. I still have to try to live a “healthy lifestyle”. I still need to be diligent about self-exams and mammograms. And so do you…

Thank you for everything