If there is one thing you can count on, life will throw you a curve ball when you least expect it.

The question is whether you can hit it or not.

We all deal with life changes differently. The most important thing is how we cope with those changes.

Most of you know what I mean, births, deaths, illnesses, injuries, marriages, divorces, moving, new job, retirement… This list goes on and on. Change isn’t always bad. In fact, sometimes they are really good. Either way, change disrupts what we consider “normal.”

As I shared earlier this month, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My relationships (family, friends, and quilt buddies) helped me through so much of the initial shock. But having a creative outlet, that time when no one was talking and I could get out of my head, was just as important. I needed that time to feel productive and let’s face it “normal.”

Here is the irony of my diagnosis.

I had just found a medication that helped me regulate an autoimmune issue that I had suffered with for almost 30 years. Yup, this medication had changed my life for the better. I was so excited to get off the hamster wheel of doctors telling me they had no clue. Then, the cancer hit.

After 30 years of searching and hopelessness with my autoimmune issue, cancer was actually less scary. Yeah. Cancer was less scary because there was a routine method for treatment, which had a high rate of success.

What does any of this sharing have to do with quilting (the reason you tune in)?

Through all of this, the normalcy of being able to devote a little time each day to being productive. To have CONTROL. To have something familiar and beautiful, was so important to my well-being.

Apparently, the experts agree that hobbies and relationships along with self-care are essential to dealing with life’s transitions. They even state that creativity positively impacts your health!

I take that as a prescription to quilt more. How about you??

Getting into the groove.

During transition, it seems that everything else is taking up your time. You have no time for you. No time to think let alone create.

That should be the first signal that you need to make the time. Pick a small project. One you can pick up for 15 minutes at a time. That little dose every day will make a big difference.

It is all fine and good to say quilt more. But what if your mojo took a vacation during this life event??

I don’t mean this how it may sound but take a hike. Find a few minutes outside, without looking at your screen and just breathe. Walk around the block, or in a park, or anywhere you feel safe.

Take a break from the insanity, the noise, the pressure. It can really help uncrimp your creativity.

I am interested in hearing how you cope with those transitions in your life. Do you have a hobby that helps you?

I am off to get my daily dose of quilting in. How about you?

Happy Quilting