Many of us think our obstacle to piecing in the perfect 1/4-inch seam. You have worked so hard to be consistent and know your machine, but pieces are still not quite right… What gives? Maybe it is your cutting.

Cutting straight lines is about as easy as walking a straight one. We need guidelines and tools to keep us on that straight path. The same goes for our rotary cutters! That is the essence of our latest video “Get It Straight.” We cover a few items that could help you get it straight when you cut.

  • Verify your bolt fold is square
  • Use your ruler not your mat for measuring
  • Use the outside of the line on the ruler, not the inside
  • Use tape to mark repeat cuts on your ruler to prevent mistakes
  • Keep your ruler still with grippers and/or weights
  • Keep your rotary cutter sharp

These simple things can have a big influence on the straightness and accuracy of your cuts.

We hope you enjoy the videos and find a few nuggets to help you improve your quilting ability.

Happy Quilting!



