Lynne Eggert Mastrud’s Quilt

For the last few months, over one hundred quilters participated in a quilt along (QAL) to promote Alzheimer’s Awareness. We were fortunate to have Ashli Lerman Montgomery of Quilt 2 End ALZ  as a partner in this endeavor. Ashli provided information every other week about Alzheimer’ disease, how to recognize it, and how to cope with it as a family member, care-giver or sufferer. On the opposite weeks, participants were given instructions to complete the quilt. The last set of instructions were provided in November as part of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.

During the quilt along, we also shared stories, tips and tricks. We had generous donations from Hoffman Fabrics, Stitchin’ Heaven, and Hobbs Batting. Hoffman and Hobbs provided giveaway items. Meanwhile, Stitchin’ Heaven donated a portion of the fabric proceeds to Quilt2EndAlz, which is a non-profit for Alzheimer’s Awareness.

It gave me great pleasure to watch the progress of the quilters and to hear their stories. Some suffered losses to Alzheimer’s during the QAL. We tried to provide what comfort we could. We also celebrated successes. Lynne Eggert Mastrud was the first to post her finished quilt top. Isn’t it beautiful! Several others are not far behind her.

To increase awareness and help find a cure, all profits from the Forget Me Not Quilt pattern sold during the month of November will be donated to Quilt 2 End ALZ. If you are not a quilter, or don’t need another project at the moment, please considering giving your own donation to Quilt 2 End ALZ this month.  Thank you in advance for your support.

Happy Quilting!

