Last year, I had posted about entering a quilt into the Cherrywood Challenge for the first time. It was my first entry into any art quilt challenge. I did a little research about previous entries and winners. I reread and reread the requirements. The quilt had to be 20-inches square. It had to use only the fabrics provided for the challenge. I took a few weeks and mulled over my design. Then, I spent months working on it. I took the required photographs and submitted them to Cherrywood. That is when I found out that the deadline had been extended 6 months due to COVID. I could have taken more time, but I didn’t want to. This was my first attempt and I was done.
For months, I waited with all of the other entrants to hear something, anything. Then, in January, I received an unexpected email. My quilt, along with 199 others, had made it to the finals. My first try and I made it to the finals. I didn’t care that so many others did as well. I didn’t care if I won. I got this far and was ecstatic! I had to pack my quilt up and send it to Cherrywood for final judging. Being so excited, I packed up the quilt according to their specifications and sent it on its way. Then, I realized, I forgot to label my quilt! What a mistake! Thankfully, Cherrywood allowed me to send a label that could be pinned to the back of my quilt.
For another month, we all waited, not so patiently this time. On Thursday night, we all watched the presentation of the awards on Facebook Live. The minute I saw the first quilt, I knew I was completely out of my league. The winners were true fabric artists. They created amazing pieces that inspire me to do better. These winners deserve huge accolades. You can see those simply amazing quilts for a while on Cherrywood’s website.
Now, the quilts will travel around the world at quilt shows as an exhibition. If you get a chance to see it, I would highly recommend it. They will also be photographed and published in a book and on a poster. It will be an honor to be seen with these quilts.
I believe I can now share my quilt as the winners have been announced. It is an interpretation of the Spencer Coat of Arms.

I will try again. Now, I know I have to up my game, get out of my comfort zone and be much more creative.
Happy Quilting