Christa Watson’s blog, “How to Make Quilting Your Business” was a huge influence on my decision to become a professional quilt designer. She is one of my inspirations. So this month, when EQ offered a challenge using Bernatex’s “Good Vibes” fabric collection by the same Christa Watson, I wanted to do something different.

As usual, I took a good look at the fabric and then went to bed. For some reason, designs gel for me better overnight. This morning I awoke with a new and different idea for me. I decided to be bold and try a more modern quilt. And that is exactly what I designed.

Large designs with lots of negative space are the hallmarks of modern quilt design. As this is my first one, I had to step out of my comfort zone of mandalas and secondary patterns. I dispensed with my multiple borders. I opened myself up to go big or go home.

Take a step on the wild side and be bold.

Happy Quilting! 🙂

