Some people wait until the new year or until they complete a project before they tackle their quilting space. Note, I say quilting space. Some have an entire studio. Some have confiscated a room or the basement. Some have a closet or borrow the kitchen or dining room table.
In this blustery month of November, I count my blessing as I have not only confiscated most of the basement, but have also migrated to our dining room. The plan was for me to occupy the basement. However, these two darlings do not make that easy. They can’t be left alone, or they get into things. Nor can I trust them in my studio in the basement! So I occupy the dining room, where I can see them and they can’t cause trouble.

Because I have several projects going on at one time, if I waited until I finished them all, I would never have a clean space. To keep the mess from getting out of control, I try to make the first of the month my dedicated organization day. I clean-up my space. I plan major tasks for the next few weeks. I take an inventory of materials and notions. Right now I am all stocked up, but will probably need white thread, beads and interfacing for masks in December.
This month, I raided my son’s college stuff, since he has graduated and moved back home for a while. I borrowed his clothes drying rack for my mask making materials. I make masks almost every weekend, so the supplies are always hanging about and I needed to tidy them up.
I also took the time to scrub my cutting mat, take larger scraps to my storage bins, and put smaller scraps in a box. Eventually, I will do something with the small scraps. In fact, I had a brainstorm today, but will share it once it comes to fruition. I even cleaned my machine area thoroughly.
These pictures show a rare occasion in my sewing area – a lack of chaos! Tomorrow, I have something under my needle again. But for today, I am going to enjoy the serenity of a clean space.

Happy Quilting!