The second block of the Kitty in the Middle Quilt is Cats and Mice. It was originally published in 1897 by Ladies Art Company for two fabric colors. We changed the color scheme to add two more colors, which really changes the look. The block is comprised of squares, triangles and quarter square triangles.
Today, I was prepared and took pictures as I completed the block. The quarter square triangles were made two at a time. This made assembly quicker and kept the blocks more square since I wasn’t fighting the bias.

Draw a diagonal line on back of one square. Place squares right sides together, aligning edges.

Sew 1/4-inch seam on both sides of the drawn line. Cut one the drawn line and press the pieces open. Voila – half square triangles (HST).

Nest two HST together. Draw a diagonal line on the back of one. Again, sew 1/4-inch seam on both sides of the drawn line. Cut on the line and press the pieces open. Ta Da – quarter square triangles!

To help seams lay flatter, make the seams spin.

Sew a triangle to one side of a square and an QST to the opposite side of the square to form one arm.
Assemble block. Note the Vanilla fabric, white with small black dots, has a little direction to it. I took care to match the directions during assembly.
It is important to trim as specified to make sure the block is the right size.
Take a look at how the block fits into the quilt! I am happy with my progress on Day 2! Stay tuned for more blocks.
If you like this pattern, grab a copy and join us.
Happy Quilting!