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Project Preparation – Confirm Materials

Planning for a Project

Ever get to the middle of project and realize you don’t have something you need? For example, you are making dinner when you discover you are missing a key ingredient. Or you are helping your partner with a home improvement project only to find a key part or tool is not at hand. I know it has happened to me. The same thing happens in quilting projects – missing thread, short on fabric, backing doesn’t match, etc.

The first step is to verify that you have the following.

The fabric should be simple, just follow the pattern – right? Maybe not. If you pre-wash your fabrics, they will shrink. Therefore, after washing you may not have enough fabric. A great YouTube video was posted by Just Get It Done Quilts, which shows how much shrinkage you can expect from fabric. In general, you can anticipate 10% shrinkage, so it is wise to buy at least 10% more than you need. I typically purchase even more to account for cutting errors too.

Ensuring that you have all of these materials on hand will minimize the frustrating interruptions in your peaceful or pieceful quilting.

Happy Quilting!


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