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Lost and Found

Have you every taken a cruise? If you have, or have seen pictures of one, you may have noticed how the sea or ocean water changes colors according to depth and warmth of the water. When in shallow warm waters, the sea takes on an aquamarine almost turquoise color that invites to jump in and enjoy it. When in colder and deeper waters, the sea becomes darker and less inviting for a swim. That may be a learned or innate response, but for me it holds true. I love seeing those warm shallow waters.

Sailors may have a completely different viewpoint. Shallow waters mean more hazards close to the bottom of the ship and greater chances of running aground. At the same time, shallow waters close to shore offer a better chance of swimming to land. Cold deep waters may have fewer natural hazards, but lower chance of survival if you encounter danger.

I apologize for the dark imagery, but it helps with the explanation of this quilt design. This quilt tells the story of ships who encounter a storm at sea and are feared to be lost, but brave sailors from the Navy rescue them. The tale is told with traditional blocks and the use of color. The middle ring of blocks are “Ships at Sea.” A middle hue of blue sets the tone of smooth sailing. The inner blocks are called “Lost Ship.” The dark color in the block represents the deep water and fear of those aboard. The diamond middle border is part of another traditional block, most popularly known as “Storm at Sea.” Finally, the outer border is comprised of “Annapolis Block.” A strong blue in the center shows a true heart, while the light aquamarine blue on the edges evokes waters close to shore and safety.

The beautiful batiks used in this pattern are part of Timeless Treasures Tonga fabrics and highlight their new Jupiter collections. This quilt had been designed over a year ago just waiting for the perfect fabrics. When these fabrics were included in a designer preview, I knew exactly where to use them.

I want to thank two of my loyal pattern testers that helped me with this one – Pat Ferrera and Tammy Howell. Their insights always make patterns easier to follow.

If you like this nautical tale or just like the images in the quilt, please check out the “Lost and Found” pattern in our shop.

Happy Quilting!


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