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Fawn in the Forest

Yesterday, my son and I took Fergus (our Newfoundland that is often mistaken for a bear) on a walk in the woods. It was so peaceful with a gentle breeze, the warm sun peaking through the canopy of leaves that had just filled in. As we strolled along the well tended paths (avoiding poison ivy on the edges), we watched the birds flit from tree to tree. We observed some lovely wildflowers blooming in different areas. The Goose Creek babbled away, while Canada Geese dipped their toes in the cool water.

We saw an occasional squirrel, but otherwise missed much of the other wildlife that we know lives in these woods. We trekked at noon, which meant the deer were lazing somewhere waiting for evening to graze. The bear were sleeping in some nook somewhere. Yes – I said bears. We have about a dozen black bear that call this park, next to our house, home. Like the deer they venture out from dusk until dawn. Even the fox and coyotes keep these nocturnal hours, so we were pretty safe. Just in case you are thinking that our 150 lb pup would be of some protection, I am not so sure! He was too busy snuffling and investigating.

I share this experience because it relates to Fawn in the Forest. This pattern was designed for Dear Stella’s Little Fawn and Friends. The little friends depicted in this sweet fabric inhabit the forest near us. We know from walking in those woods how the light streams in through the trees, creating light and shadow in the green foliage. The brown, grey, and beige trunks marking the horizon. The dusty path changing from golden leaf detritus to red mud to soft green grass then to grey stone. The sunlight hits each of these highlighting them in some way.

Those sun’s rays created the sashing for this quilt. You can see it peaking through the green. The darker green and brown form diagonal forest paths. In the clearing of the path, you find fawn and his friends frolicking. Fawn in the Forest is a foundation pieced quilt, which measures 80-inches square when complete.

I can’t wait for this fabric to be released so I can make the quilt with the fabric it was designed for. If you are interested in this pattern to sew along with me, please look in our shop or on Etsy. We would love to see your version!

Happy Quilting

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