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Sunny Side Up

A positive attitude is a choice. Everyone, in the frame of their own lives, experiences challenges, disappointments, and rewards. It is your perspective and what you do with those life lessons that really matters. We are each shaped by those events. But more importantly, we shape how we perceive those moments in our lives.

Let’s think about that in terms of quilting. We all have a love-hate relationship with our seam ripper. We may get frustrated when tearing out stitches. But the quilt generally looks better when we take that time. Each of us has picked bad fabrics (color or quality) for quilts. Most of the time, the recipient is so happy to receive a gift made with love, they don’t notice. So many quilters are quick to point out their mistakes, even when others would never have noticed. I am not saying we should hide mistakes or not learn from them. Instead, we should bask in the joy the final quilt gives others. We work hard people usually appreciate our efforts. Take the compliment without rebuttal. When you don’t take a compliment graciously, you offend the one gave the compliment and ruin all of your efforts. Learn to take praise humbly. That is quilting Sunny Side Up.

My latest quilt pattern, Sunny Side Up is meant to accentuate the positive and have you thinking good thoughts. The foundation pieced pattern has curves, but no y-seams or partial seams. It will provide a little challenge, but not too much. The Sunflower and Harvest Sun blocks may even help you perfect your piecing. The uses Hoffman’s “Up with the Sun” collection, which combines grey and salmon tones. To me, the palette looks like the sky after a storm, as the sun breaks through the clouds. One of the most fun things about this pattern is the ability to rearrange the blocks for a completely different look.

“Sunny Side Up” is available for retail and wholesale in our shop.

Happy Quilting!



“A sunny disposition is worth more than fortune. Young people should know that it can be cultivated; that the mind like the body can be moved from the shade into sunshine.” – Andrew Carnegie

“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“May you always walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.”
Irish Blessing

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