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Quilt Shops and COVID-19

Tourmaline & Thyme

For those of you looking for materials to complete your projects or start a new one, there is no need to venture outside.

I receive emails and blogs from dozens of quilt shops – large and small. Needless to say, I like supporting local shop owners. Each one is unique and has something fun to offer.

This week, I have seen them rise to the occasion to protect their co-workers and customers. The owners understand a good percentage of their of customers and some of their workers are in the high risk demographic. So, they have shuttered their retail shop to keep COVID-19 at bay. However, they have kept staff in the stores to fill your orders via email, phone and internet. These orders can be picked up curbside for some shops and shipped directly to you from others. This helps them stay in business during this uncertain time. Also, it keeps us in stitches – our favorite place to be. Granted, it doesn’t have the same instant gratification, but we are all making changes!

Some of you may think that Amazon is your solution, well, not this time. Just yesterday, Amazon announced it is prioritizing home staples (read toilet paper and disinfectant), food, and medical supplies as there is only so much room in their warehouses at the moment. This is absolutely the right move for Amazon and us. Never fear, we will get used to this new way of doing business, just like it took us a while to fall in love with Amazon.

Happy Quilting


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