Quilt Size: 46” x 61”
Pillow Size: 22” x 22”
Skill Level: Beginner
Introduction: Play with strips to make this cute quilt and matching pillows. Strip piecing and chain piecing these strips will make cat’s play of the quilt.
Fabric Requirements for Studio E’s Country Fair Collection
SKU Yard SKU Yard
8204-71 1 1/2 8211P-18 2/3
8204-82 3/4 Vanilla-46 1/2
8206-08 1/4 Lagoon-78 * 5/8
8209-17 5/8 Key Lime-68 1/2
8210-18 1 1/4
Backing 6 1/2 Batting 6 1/2
* Binding included