Tomorrow is the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Most of remember exactly where we were when we learned of the event. Many of us were glued to our television sets or radios as it unfolded. I had just landed in St. Louis where I was working for the day…. I was one of the lucky ones who was able take a bus home to Delaware, Ohio later that evening. Many aspects of our lives changed that day (much like what is happening with COVID). But for some, there lives were radically changed.
A few years after the attacks, I was working with some firefighters and hospital personnel in NYC. They shared their stories from that day – the co-workers who would never come home and the patients that never arrived at the emergency room. It still haunts me.
The ones most affected were the children who lost parents. That is why the proceeds from this quilt on 9/11 and the first Tuesday of the month will be donated to Tuesday’s Children. They provide services to families who have been affected by terrorism, military conflict or mass violence. Please help.
The pattern is available in my shop (https://tourmalinethymequilts.com/product/never-forget/) and in Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/listing/854766332/never-forget).
Happy Quilting!