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Mystery Quilt!

How daring and patient are you? Do you need to peak at the last page on a mystery novel to find out who did it? Or do you plug your ears when people are talking about a new movie because you don’t want a spoiler? I won’t say that I am terribly patient or daring, but I have jumped in with both feet on a mystery quilt

What exactly is a mystery quilt? Let’s start with a block of the month club. You see a pattern you love, which is being sponsored as a block of the month club. You sign up and the shop send you the appropriate fabric and directions to complete one or a set of blocks each month. This helps you pace yourself and minimize the shock to your bank account.

The next step in daring or freedom, depending upon how you look at it, is a quilt block challenge. In the challenge, you pick your own fabrics for a known quilt pattern and the designer sends you patterns for blocks and assembly at a certain interval. I am currently participating in a Challenge designed by Toby Lashko through the National Quilter’s Circle. Updates coming on that one as we are in week 5.

The final step is the Mystery Quilt….. You sign up with a group to complete the quilt – the catch is that you don’t know what the quilt design is. The designer will tell you up front how many fabrics and how much of each you will need. Then, you wait patiently, or impatiently, to find out what your next block will be. Of course, the fabrics you choose do make a difference, but you need to be bold and brave to get to the end!

This Mystery Mosaic Quilt was designed by Meadow Mist Designs. We need four fabrics, one of which will be the background. Given I have no idea what I will be making, I decided I better really love the fabric to keep going. I went bold and chose Penny Rose Fabrics, Hedge Rose. The colors include navy, red, cream and aqua.

Penny Rose Fabrics – Hedge Rose.

I know, I know, I have more than 4 fabrics. Did I mention that I love fabric and can’t decide which one I like best ?? So I gave myself options, knowing I am adding gorgeous fabrics to my stash at the end of this!

I will keep you “posted” on my progress.

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