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Marmalade Sky

Have you ever seen a picture or scene that reminds you of a song? How about a quilt? Sometimes while I design, I have a song running through my head and that earworm inspires the quilt. This time, I was designing the quilt and it reminded me of a song, which my husband is kindly playing for me….

The EQ8 Block Spotlight for June is the Split Sunflower-3 Petals. It is a simple New York Beauty style block. These blocks combine foundation piecing and curved piecing for an incredible design. As usual, these spotlights help me to stretch and be creative.

Serendipity seemed like the a good place to start with this block. The Shrink and Flip function enable me to turn the quarter sunflower into a full sunflower, which was used in the center. The same function let me put a quarter sunflower in each corner of the block, which were used in the north, south, east and west blocks. The Sunflower Block was used in the corners of the quilt center, which is why they are larger than the others. Smaller sunflowers were used in the border.

With the block name of sunflower, I couldn’t resist using really warm colors for this quilt. Hoffman Watercolor 839-224 Poppy provides the mottled centers. This is accompanied by Hoffman 1895 Chilies, Squash, Buttercup, Dandelion, and August.

The end result had me singing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Doesn’t this look like marmalade? I am not sure if this is what the Beatles were seeing when they wrote the song, but it is definitely had me dreaming of marmalade sky!

I hope you get a chance to play with this block.

Happy Quilting!



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