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Ladies Tea

Has anyone guessed what my favorite hot beverage is? That’s right – TEA!!! In particular, I like black tea with a hint of sugar in it. It’s occasionally acceptable additional flavors added to it – like almond, vanilla, mint, or cinnamon. I don’t like them terribly bitter or fruity. Every so often, I will sample a green or herbal tea, but they are not my go to tea blend. I must admit the white teas do tickle my fancy too. Just don’t over brew any of them. Starbuck’s always looks at me funny when I ask for ice and only one tea bag.  They really don’t understand that more (heat/bags) isn’t better with tea.

For those of you are not tea aficionados, but love coffee instead, I apologize up front. I can’t brew a pot of coffee to save my life. Its not that I don’t like coffee. I love the smell and even like the taste. But coffee doesn’t like me…. so I just admire the aroma and stick to what I know – tea.

My tea drinking started very young with my grandmother. Every night after supper, she brewed a pot of Red Rose in her little brown betty. We all waited to see what little ceramic creature was hidden in the box. I wonder if my cousin still has the entire collection?

It wasn’t until I had graduated from college that I realized that tea wasn’t just a beverage, it was part of our cultural fabric, even in the United States. Tea is social event. Because it takes time to steep and sip, it allows us to slow down and enjoy. Tea doesn’t need to have scones, petit fours, finger sandwiches, or other finger foods. Granted, it does enhance the experience by satisfying the rumbling tummy. Tea doesn’t require a big hat, audacious jewelry or other Victorian garb. It is nice to dress up sometimes. Goodness knows in the last year and a half, we have all become more comfortable in our slouchy clothes and slippers. Tea is a time to be social and catch up on the latest news and gossip. It is a time to take a break from what we are always so busy doing.

Ladies Tea – Rose

Ladies Tea – Plum

So why am I going on so much about tea?? A few weeks ago, I introduced Sweet Tea, one of my block of the month creations. (Right now it is on my longarm begging to be finished). Today, I would like to introduce you to another block of the month  – Ladies Tea. Yes – I have had tea on the brain lately! Sweet Tea was designed to incorporate elements of Southern Sweet Tea, magnolias, tea leaves, and album blocks. Meanwhile, Ladies tea incorporates finer elements of an English tea – lace, fans, and cake stands to mention a few. The blocks in Ladies Tea are a little more challenging than Sweet Tea. It is 90-inch square when finished. Ladies Tea has unique contrasts and comes in two colorways: Rose and Plum.

I hope you enjoy Ladies Tea as much as I do. This is one to take your time and enjoy the process of quilting and taking tea!

Happy Quilting!


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