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Motivating Monday – Don’t Be Chicken

This photo reminds me of when I was training for the Avon39. I walked miles every day to build my stamina. And this little chicken lived along one of my training routes. The photo was my motivation – not to be chicken.

I had never done any distance training before. I wasn’t sure I even could. But my husband cheered me on and helped me to succeed. I became motivated – I needed to prove to myself I could do it. Not only did I finish thirty-nine miles in two days, but I finished near the top of the pack. (FYI – this event is now called Making Strides and is a 5K walk)

I think getting comfortable with color is similar in way. You are not sure you can do it. But you can and I am here to cheer you on. I know you can do it; you just need to trust yourself. And like my training to walk 39 miles in two days, you need to build up your trust in yourself.

Every day, play with your fabrics and pick palettes until you get more comfortable with color selections. If you need some inspiration – visit our gallery. As you curate palettes from your own stash, you may notice there is a hole in your stash (don’t laugh). Now, you can shop deliberately to fill that hole.

Those holes may be in a certain color range or a print that blends your fabrics together.

Maybe this was a little cheeky given people lack confidence when choosing colors. You can find motivation in any photo – even one of a chicken.

Happy Quilting,

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