Most gardeners have just started planting for this year’s harvest. Many of them are already dreaming about the bounty they will gather from their efforts. I am one of those. Each year, I pick seeds and plants depending upon my cravings during the winter. I make great plans for the fruits of my labors – pasta primavera, zucchini brownies, fresh salads… Some years, I have great crops and actually make those dishes of my dreams. Other years, the wildlife feasts more than I do!

There are those years when I am thankful for our local farmers market, which is always more successful than I am. Do you know where your local farmers market is? If not, here is a link for the national directory of farmer’s markets, courtesy of the US Department of Agriculture. Just type in your zip code and how far you are willing to travel. The database provides links for the website, if the market has one. It can also help you find out when they are open, types of payment, and so much more. Some even sell seedlings for your own garden. Who knew?!

Whether you are a fair-weather vegetable gardener like me, you were born with a green thumb, or you support your local farmers, you hope and pray for a bountiful harvest. Gardening, like quilting, requires a planning and consistent effort to succeed. These two ideas are married in my latest pattern, Bountiful Harvest, which features Hoffman’s Harvest Helpings collection. These scrumptious fall colors work beautifully in the throw-sized quilt. Bountiful Harvest has four different blocks, which would be fun for a quilt along or round robin.

The pattern is available for wholesale and retail. We hope you enjoy Bountiful Harvest.

Happy Quilting!
