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Blueberry Lattice

My mother is a pie maven. Every holiday, she made an oven full of delicious pies. Her crust is always perfect, and she never uses a recipe. Try as I may, I just can’t duplicate her pie magic. Mom has mastered pumpkin, apple, mincemeat, cherry, blackberry, strawberry rhubarb, and blueberry to name a few. She tops her pies with double crusts, crumbs. whipped cream, and meringues. For a truly special occasion, she will take the extra time to carefully cut strips of dough to make an intricate lattice. You can only guess which is my favorite.

As a I love blueberries! They are sweet and tart. They are wonderful on their own, but even better in baked goods like pie, crumble, bread, and muffins. One of my favorite blueberry delights is lemon blueberry crunch bread.

If you love blueberries, I hope you will give my version of Blueberry Lattice a try. Two alternating blocks are good for confident beginners. Just make sure to check the orientation of the pieces within the units to ensure it turns out as perfectly as my mom’s pies. I finished the quilt by stitching in the ditch and simple crosses in the large squares. You can get more creative if you like!

The finished quilt is 73″ square, which is a great size for snuggling as cooler weather approaches.

The pattern is available for retail and wholesale in our shop.

Happy Quilting!


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