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Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Forget-Me-Not Quilt – Copyright 2019 Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts

So many of us have been touched by people suffering with Alzheimer’s. My hushand’s father died from complications associated with the disease. My father’s mother died of the same fate. Since November is Alzheimer’s Awareness, my first quilt of the month is Forget-Me-Not. The five blocks the comprise the center of the quilt are all memory blocks, while the border has two forget-me-not blocks. Working from the inside out, the blocks are

The blocks are most complicated in the center and get simpler toward the edges. Likewise, the colors are more vivid in the center than at the edges. Both of these symbolize the memories of the people afflicted with the disease. They start very sharp, then dull and become simpler as the disease progresses.

The forget-me-nots on the border are symbolic of the disease. According to the Alzheimer Association, the flower colors represent different aspects of Alzheimers: purple for those we have lost to Alzheimer’s, blue for those afflicted with the disease, yellow for the caregivers, and white for the cure. These colors were used throughout the quilt.

As with my other quilt patterns, this one will be available on Etsy. A portion of the proceeds from this pattern will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Happy Quilting


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